Deep freeze

It was -12°F here this morning, under gray snowy skies.  Lots of snow is expected tomorrow with Winter Storm Harper coming through — 1ft to 1 and 1/2 ft is expected.  The Canadian forecast warns of severe winter cold, so we know it’s colder than normal.

I ventured forth this morning to the English-language library for a volunteer stint (I’ll be there on my own on Thursday, so wanted to make sure I’ve got everything squared away, from opening up the door to booting up the computer on my own and checking books in and out.)  No problem.

It’s a learning curve to drive on snowy highways.  Yes, I know I have brand-new winter tires.  My XC Volvo has a winter heritage and its new battery cranked right up this morning.  But it’s still a bit unnerving to feel comfortable driving in these conditions.  Slow and steady is my motto.

My gardening companion actually skied back and forth on our road this afternoon.  Brrr. The wind had died down, but he still had frost around the edge of his parka from his breath.

Woody and I both worried about him being out there (as he didn’t have all of the usual winter gear on).  But all was well.

We even went out to our neighborhood restaurant in St. Fabien -- the first time "eating out" on this trip, after dark and in the cold.  Poutine and a burger were our choices: classic Quebec fare.

We're marking discovering this place a year ago this week.  A remarkable turn of events.  We had an agreed-upon purchase offer on January 21, 2018.
