A special place

My gardening gardening companion took this photo in the afternoon.  It was rainy, so the light was dim.  The colors on the wall look richer than the actual deep yellow than they are.

Enjoying the afternoon light

We're savoring our last bit of time here, even as we get our place ready for our absence. Everything will be secure and battened down when we leave, with neighbors and friends close by, to notice if anything is amiss.

We'd both stay longer, I think, but I have programs to do back in the Western North Carolina mountains.

And we have a garden there, too.  Who knows what it might look like?  Exuberant, I hope, but not too unkempt-looking, I hope, too.  The front is a wonderful pocket meadow (probably taken over by seedling Silphium (cup-plant) by now, and Rudbeckia triloba, too.  Or, maybe that will just happen next summer.  Yikes!

This is why this place is a place of the spirit.  Havre du Bic, early last week


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