Special plates

I have a gardening friend who’s a creative and gifted ceramic artist down in the River Arts District. He creates beautiful functional pieces in porcelain, stamping them with lace and botanicals and patterns before glazing his pieces in variety of colors.

His web address is livelifeartfully.  And isn’t that what we all can aspire to?  Whatever our creative expressions or resources, we can “live life artfully,” I think.

We’ve loved his pieces for years and decided last summer that some of his plates would be wonderful in our house in Quebec;  we have 2 functional heavy pottery plates, along with a few bowls, but largely have non-microwave compatible antique china with floral patterns, nice enough, but not functional.

Our intention was to order 4 “Euro” size plates, but we decided to add salad plates and bowls into the mix.  The dinner plates are big;  the Euro plates are more the size we like to use normally.  He’ll need to make the Euro plates and bowls, but we were able to bring the salad plates home, as we picked out the glazes and patterns.

So delighted to have them!


  1. Replies
    1. He does such special work. I’m so glad to have them to take with us.


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