Warmer weather

It’s downright balmy here in Bas St. Laurent, compared to recent temperatures down in the lower teen’s.   It actually exceeded freezing — up to 34°F yesterday, albeit briefly.  Fortunately, the roads are largely dry, so freezing and thawing isn’t an issue, although I’m always cautious crossing slushy deep snow, or what looks like an icy patch.

The warmer temperatures made x-c skiing yesterday quite warm (at least in my lighter gear!)

Temperatures ahead look quite moderate, too, but fortunately stay below freezing, after a briefly colder spell tonight.

Temperature creates the magic point of snow being fun vs snow/ice being treacherous, of course, and here in January and February, it’s normally below freezing.

We’re here now for our winter visit while the snow is good — it’s been wonderful so far, and fresh snow is expected for Sunday and Monday.  I’m mindful, though, that it’s not so pleasant in spring.

Our current temperature and forecast,
