Gardening and spring

I'm trying to ground myself at the moment by thinking about gardening. Gardening of all sorts, to be sure, but vegetables and herbs are top on the list.  Spring is coming and I've already put in a few cool season greens.  Summer vegetable gardening awaits in Quebec, too, for the very long days of summer there, even though the season is short.

My raised beds here in Asheville will happily have a new gardener while we're away, in addition to the rest of the garden, as will the house have residents.  I'm so delighted to have them enjoy the garden!

I'll be cleaning out some of the spent perennial herbs (the sage looks really bad), and talking with the new gardener, too, as I refresh the beds with new compost, readying them for warm-season planting.

A recent image that I used in a Spring Gardening Activities (aka "tasks") class says it all.

Adding real mushroom compost or commercial SuperSod organic compost--that's what's needed for growing good vegetables.
