Fall colors

The dogwood across the street is remarkably vivid this year, a welcome standout, in this fall of little to no color yet. 

I've been admiring it for a few days, but posting an image of pressed fall leaves yesterday, has reminded me of how I look forward to the fall color season each year here in the Eastern U.S.  "Fall color" and "fall leaves" brought up numerous posts over the last decade.
remarkably red leaves for a dogwood!

"Vintage" laminated fall leaves
Growing up in Texas, fall color was limited to relatively few species;  while my mom was still alive, I routinely sent her pressed or laminated leaves in the fall, as she loved receiving them.  I have some of those laminated leaves still; they're muted shades of yellow, tan, and brown now, but still nice.

 They're on top of a vintage wooden office box on my desk, a welcome remembrance.

watercolor pencil and ink drawing of a dogwood leaf
I thought I'd try to do a drawing of one of the dogwood leaves that had already fallen.  The color ranges, when observed closely, were remarkable -- hard to evoke in a simple watercolor method.  The leaves are a dappled red color, with dark splotches, and their curvy shapes challenging for perspective and shadow.

It was nice to sit at my table looking out into the forest.  I'm glad it's been waiting for me.


  1. I have been searching for the fall color as well. Our dogwoods are turning, but they are not near as vibrant as you are seeing. One tree out back has completely dropped all leaves. If we get frost tomorrow, I wonder how the trees will respond?

    I love that you sent leaves to your mother. What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing.

    1. This particular dogwood is amazing -- I've never seen one quite as red. Most that have turned color around here are the normal muted maroon color; some have just dropped leaves, too, like the one you have. I'm hoping this cold snap will give us at least a bit of fall color by triggering some color change!

  2. Lisa, I love your vivid dogwood, the vintage leaves, and your lovely watercolor. I am so happy to see you not only doing this lovely blog but making art. It is such a wonderful pairing, your art and writing. I hope to see you one day illustrate your own book with your nature drawings! And don't you love the daily blogging? It can be a challenge at times but I think something wonderful comes out of it. And I am so glad to have friends on the journey. Onward and upward and away we go! :)



  3. Very few trees here are showing much color still, the Red Maples and Black Locust being two notable exceptions. Perhaps the color will still come.


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