Paying attention to what matters

It's been more important than ever to try to ground myself in gardening and nature, staying at home, cooking good food and enjoying time with my gardening companion and Woody.

I'm totally grateful that we have a lovely house, there are veggies in the garden, and food in the refrigerator.  We are privileged indeed, to have these comforts.

A collection of salad greens this afternoon was heartening.

Sights nearby included these tulips, next to our driveway, and the remaining sassafras (seen in a blurry photo from the upstairs).

But my final walk this morning at the NC Arboretum, before it reopens, after closing this afternoon,  was a wonderful balm to my spirit.  The sound of Bent Creek did wonders.

I am privileged indeed, to be able to experience these things, in my part of the world.

At home, I feel that all I can do is give to our local food banks, our local Y's Nutrition Outreach efforts, to Oxfam, and Root Capital, a non-profit working in developing countries, which I happened on before our travel to Guatemala a few years ago.  And Finca, etc.

I'd love to volunteer in person, too, but am reluctant, given our age.

Perhaps there's some teaching online that I can do, about growing vegetables, or cooking, or baking.

Lots of folks out there with information, I think, and the Zoom online class I participated in this afternoon (I forget the title, but it was something around practicing mindfulness in uncertain times.) The host was goofy, but the presenters were great. (I think they're all gifted therapists and life coaches trying to keep their businesses afloat.)  I'm all about ramping down the anxiety and upping the calm.

Sending all good wishes and energy to whomever reads this.
