Revisting photos

This will be a theme, I suppose, as I label, sort, and discard images from our two summers and two winters in Quebec (not to mention all the other images in between those times).  I'm planning to sort out posts and photos as an e-book/print book just as a record.  

Who knows what the blogging format might bring in the future?

It's lovely to revisit the wonderful landscapes, the garden surprises, and the photos of everyday life at home in our cottage there.  But not without a feeling of wistfulness.

I'm mindful now that fall is solidly here. We missed being there this past summer -we returned at the end of September last year.

But we share that disruption in plans with everyone around the world.  

Our lives have been changed in ways that we never expected.  And I'm mindful that our hunkering at home spot in Western North Carolina is certainly lovely, too.  We're privileged, indeed.

Some photos of Havre du Bic, the wonderful bay that's part of Parc National du Bic, just minutes from our house.

Happily, all of these photos enlarge nicely when you click on them -- one of the new "improvements'' in Blogger.

The view towards the park.

The opposite side view of the village of Le Bic.

The park looking over the marsh in Havre du Bic.


And sunset at the end of the park, at Ile du Massacre.
