Photo labeling and book production

I'm slowly working my way labeling photos that are associated with my blog posts about Quebec over the last two years:  two summers and two winters.  

Photos has only fairly recently made that easily possible - a lame approach to photo management before -- much better now.  When I was still working, I had Adobe Lightroom, which I loved.  And I kept updating it for awhile even after my license ran out.   

But now, I'm glad that Photos at least lets me label my photos -- a huge leap forward for the unruly mass that I have from numerous iPhone captures over the last few years.

I'd like to rework my improbable tale of our buying a house in Quebec into something that can be a print book and e-book, mainly so I can have a print record beyond my blog posts, I suppose, but perhaps it's interesting beyond that, too.

It's been a magical tale.  We'll be back there.  When, hard to know.

Here's a photo from St. Fabien sur Mer, a favorite spot to walk in the evening.  Beautiful to revisit.

