

Snow geese at Havre du Bic

Cap d'Orignal in Parc du Bic


We're fortunate to be safe, warm, and with power and water, far from our mountain city of Asheville, NC.  And in a beautiful place in the world. 

Friends gathered us in for Canadian Thanksgiving yesterday.  Wonderful.

Encouraging news has water (non-potable) arriving tomorrow in our house in Asheville.  It will provide flushing, bathing, and dish-washing water for the first time for well over two weeks.

I'm thinking about ways to help in person, when we return at the end of the month. My favorite volunteer activities in the past have been around healthy food distribution and help with gardening food production, but my hands limit that sort of thing now.  Perhaps I can try.

 I'm about to do several more monetary donations.

Sending all good thoughts to places in the world that face even more challenging times.

