Honoring place

I have a lovely garden shed-turnedstudio since last summer, thanks to our excellent helper.  It has many favorite things in it (brought from my studio space in Asheville), along with all of the art supplies that I have here. It's a summer and fall space, however, so concentrated space.

My intention was to do more art while I'm here then.  My space in Asheville is wonderful, but more suited to writing than art.

So I thought, after a couple of months of simply using it for occasional writing stints, it deserved a bit more art (as did I). So I reset my intentions to commit to a drawing a day as well as practice exercises.  Why not?  I can make time.

I started this blog site for a post a day challenge for a year in September of 2018.  I did that, and have continued to post here, more than on Natural Gardening, for the last six years.

The watercolor/ink sketch I did today was of a couple of goldenrod inflorescences. They're more intricate than I had realized!


Subject and drawing together.
