Another shape study: rattlesnake pole bean

I thought about trying another windfall apple, as I acquired some additional red watercolor pencils, but that seemed repetitive.  I'm realizing that I'm willing to practice shapes, but also need to add encourage (to myself) of freshness and color.  And I'm not currently willing to allocate hours and hours of time to this.

Just tiptoeing back into doing art.  Whatever works, I think.

The light was pouring into the studio window, casting a shadow on the pole bean I'd chosen for my subject.  Yikes.  How do you convey shadows, I thought, but just plugged along.  The bean itself was challenging, so conveying its shape, well, this is practice, after all.

Two photos in different light, the first direct sunlight and the second deflected light. Click on the photos to enlarge, as usual.
