Heading back to Quebec

We'll be on the road next week at this time.  Amazing after a year and a half away.

It's a long drive, 2 1/2 days.  We plan to arrive close to the border on August 9, with a stay booked for the second night in Plattsburgh, New York, about an hour to the main crossing from there to Montreal.  We'll leave here next Sunday.

It's a familiar travel dance. We're used to being away.  I always leave things ready for whomever will be here, cleaning out cupboards, lots of fresh towels, etc.

Even though we have family staying here while we're gone, not HomeExchange folks or renters, there are still things to do, clean up, and manage.  It's always nice to have things ready, for whomever will be staying here.  And I'm glad to have family be here this time.

My tea-time friends up in Quebec are so welcoming us back, even willing to help us weed the garden beds.  I'll see what it looks like before I invite them to a tea-time event in our weedy garden.  Thank goodness the house is in good shape.

This is an image of our "antique" shed, just before we departed in early October of 2019.

Antique shed

We had a winter visit in January and February of 2020, but haven't returned since.  We're looking forward to it.
