Moving forward


As we move towards spring, and a sense of lightening times ahead, too, I think, I welcomed the participation in a retreat last evening and today.  A gifted teacher, Joan Borysenko, facilitated it through the Sophia Institute in Charleston.  I didn't know what a virtual retreat might be like, having experienced two in-person ones there in the past. 

It turned out to be lovely, real, and honest.

I only knew Joan Borysenko from a book that she wrote many years ago: Inner Peace for Busy People, but it was the reason I signed up for this program.  

Hmm, 6:30-8:30 pm on Friday, 10:30 am-4:30 pm on Zoom on Saturday? Yikes.  It was structured however in a way that gave us break-out time, reflection time, and time to meditate.  And there were breaks and lunch time, too. It was fine. 

All welcome in this springtime of renewal. We have a bloodroot that is almost in flower, a native wildflower following Asian early trees and shrubs, not to mention the bulbs from various places in the world.  I'm grateful to be here to experience spring.

Finding this bloodroot photo, I was glad to revisit a blog post from two springs ago.


  1. A virtual retreat sounds like a magical thing to do.

    1. It was really nice. I'm finding good things in doing online programs, as well as doing my volunteer programs and presentations now virtually, too.


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