A house in Quebec

I've taken to writing about our house in Quebec as a cottage, which fits it.  But the narrative of how we serenditipously found and bought our house in Quebec, well, "house" seems like a better term at the moment.

It's a 1910 parish schoolhouse renovated twice (and perhaps a bit more) to be a house, after it was no longer a schoolhouse (back in the 1960's). The owner before us did extensive renovations, creating a magical place filled with Quebecois vintage pine pieces.

As I've written about the story and our experiences there over two summers and two winters, I wrote a lot of posts.

I've extracted them now into Word documents, have put them into normal paragraph form, rather the space delineated paragraphs that I use in blog posts and have made a first editing pass as I did so.

I printed them all out a couple of days ago and was surprised by the size of the stack.  And I'm revisiting my old editing/markup skills, not needed in my post-paid work life.  Interesting, but encouraging.  


My intention is simply to have a print-book version via Blurb and an e-book version of some sort, including photographs, drawings, and paintings.

I'll see what unfolds.


  1. What a terrific way to revisit your wonderful story.

    1. It's nice to re-read posts, even as it's "work" to revise the text to past-tense, rather than present, and start the first pass of revising text. Fortunately, I normally try to craft decent prose in blog posts, so it's all around continuing to pare down the narrative!

  2. Replies
    1. It's been nice to finally return to it -- I had extracted most of the posts last spring, but found it a bit too poignant to revisit until now. Thanks for the encouragement!


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