At least another month in Western North Carolina

It's not really a hardship to be here in our Western North Carolina garden. It's beautiful here and we can now go walk in natural areas, our local arboretum, and the Biltmore Estate. as well in interesting neighborhoods, ours included.  We are fortunate, indeed.

Biltmore Estate view

We've moved around woodland perennials this spring to great effect (or I should write that my gardening companion has done this). I'm just tending the vegetables and the pocket meadow.

And we're here to edit the inevitable self-sowers (this was a year for self-sowing from the native perennials in the pocket meadow!) as well weedy non-desirables that have appeared in this wonderfully mild and forgiving spring.

I've planted squash, tomatoes, and beans in my raised beds.  Maybe we'll be here to harvest them, maybe not.  But we'll now be here through late July, as the border crossing to Canada remains closed, with another month extension announced today.

These are interesting times.  I wrote this post this evening about an upcoming talk tomorrow on Natural Gardening:

Talking about gardening, especially naturalistic gardening is a way that I find meaning in these challenging days.
