Snowed in

A second blizzard has us "snowed in" for a second day.  A record storm, the biggest since 2015, according to a friend.

Well over 3 feet of snow has closed the highway and Parc du Bic, as well as all of the city of Rimouski's offices.

The main highway is closed, too, eerily quite, with just an occasional plow coming through.  Perhaps they're waiting until tomorrow morning to start clearing in earnest. 

We had hoped to head south tomorrow, but that's not going to happen.  Tim ventured forth this afternoon to clear a path to the car and our parking area.

Formidable, indeed.  

He reported that there's about 2 foot of snow on our road, so we won't be going anywhere until it's plowed and the highway reopens.

The hoarfrost on the mudroom windows - beautiful, nonetheless.

