A weasel sighting
A few days ago we spotted unusual tracks in the snow near the back porch. Larger tracks, spread out.
Definitely too big to be from red squirrels!
Consulting with our friend here who knows more about these things than we do (I don't think we have weasels in North Carolina, at least not in the city), she thought it could be a weasel, and shared a photo that she'd picked up on her forest web cam last winter.
And today, studying French in the upstairs bedroom, which looks west, Tim spotted the weasel heading towards a burrow near the bench. How exciting, even if they hunt red squirrels and birds occasionally.
We haven't any mice in the house this year so far; maybe it's thanks to a weasel!
Follow up note: we do have weasels in NC, but they're very elusive, and infrequently seen.
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