Glad to be home in Quebec

It's always joyful as I drive the last bit of Highway 132 past Pic Champlain to our house in Quebec. Past the village of Saint-Fabien, past the western entrance to Parc du Bic, the road swoops down, curving across the Rivière du Salmon that runs into Havre du Bic. Then left, towards our road and home.

Arriving today, we were so happy to see a well-cared-for landscape, thanks to our friend and helper, Jean.  

All of Tim's work has now created a wonderful landscape, full of native plants;  Jean edited the weedy things before our arrival and prepared my vegetable beds.  What a gift to be able to have that happen before we arrived. I'll be gathering up plants tomorrow and sorting seeds this evening.

Jean had also cleaned the house of winter soot and dust, equally a gift, neither Tim nor I having inclinations towards that.  He'd report to Tim that the house really is sooty (hmm, of course, after six years of the wood stove).  Had we ever cleaned the walls?  Well, no, but he did, following the practices of his Quebecois family, making a remarkable difference in the house. The floors and furniture had been cleaned, too, as well as the interior of the kitchen cabinets and the tops of all of the old wardrobes in the house.

He was compensated nicely for this, of course, but I am so grateful to have had his help!

Bread dough is fermenting in the fridge, we had locally-grown asparagus along with Atlantic salmon for dinner, and we're happy gardeners, contemplating the summer ahead.  Equally fun are bike rides and hikes to be had, along with visiting friends and making new ones.

 So glad to be back in this place in the world.


  1. It's a lovely peaceful place as shown in your photos. I've been to a small corner of Quebec on our way to Ottawa many years ago. The drive from central Wisconsin (where I grew up) to Ottawa through the U.P. and a large stretch of Ontario was breathtaking, so I imagine rural Quebec is beautiful, too. We drove the north route through Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury, and North Bay, and camped along the way. Great memories. :)

    1. It is really a wonderful place to be. Glad you have good memories of Quebec!


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