Back home in Asheville

We truly have two homes, one here in Asheville and one in Quebec.  Both equally feel like home.

Here, we furnished this space with elements old and new, melding our favorite furniture from our previous house in Clemson, SC with new pieces and fresh art, too.  So it felt welcoming to return to spring and a bright house filled with pieces welcoming us back, after a 2 and 1/2 day drive from snow to spring.

I refreshed two of my raised beds yesterday and (in newbie gardener fashion- I know better) planted cool-season transplants.  It was way too early, I knew, and I hadn't checked the weather forecast (ha, ha).  I'll be covering the planted bed with Remay tomorrow ahead of temperatures in the mid 20's F.

I was a happy gardener, embracing an early spring, enjoying the Asian cherries and magnolias in flower. It was lovely to refresh the soil and put in the transplants, as the beds were empty last fall. Not a good thing and it weighed on me. And I was late to plant in Quebec last June as it just seemed too cold.  Late for harvest, with only modest success, as a consequence.

I'm hopeful that I'll be harvesting greens like these last year, on April 15.
