Heading north

We're totally fortunate to have two homes in special places.

Both are home.  One in the Southern Appalachians, the other in the Northern Appalachians. 

Where I am in the world is so essential to how I experience life, I've realized.  Surrounded by the beautiful green forest this evening from my studio, I'm grateful for that. 

My studio is pared down from some of my favorite items, hopefully making space for personal things from our summer renters, whose home goods are arriving next week, waiting for their next settled place. They have our house for 5 months, so plenty of time to look around and decide what nearby place might suit them best.

At virtual tea-time yesterday, the resident sound artist in Rimouski asked about my studio.  Well, it was where I write and occasionally do art, I said.  It was a place of creativity, I followed up with. And indeed it is, as it's been a haven during the pandemic time.

Heading north, we'll arrive in barely emerging spring, but with an entire growing season to look forward to.  

I'm thinking I might set up a bit of artist space in our antique shed.  Lots of space there, aside from our kayaks and bikes.  It will be too chilly in May, but by mid summer and fall, it might be excellent, looking out toward the garden.

My acrylic painting of the antique shed from a couple of years ago.
